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Canada Capital Gains Tax Changes Cottages

Impactful Changes to Capital Gains Inclusion Rate in Canada

Proposed Increase to 66.67%

In a move that will significantly impact Canadian taxpayers, the federal government has announced proposed changes to the inclusion rate for capital gains. The inclusion rate, which determines the portion of capital gains that are subject to tax, would be increased from the current 50% to 66.67% under the new proposal.

Key Details

  • The proposed changes would take effect on June 25, 2024.
  • The new inclusion rate would apply to all capital gains realized after the effective date.
  • The taxable amount of a $500,000 capital gain under the new rules would be $291,750.

Implications for Taxpayers

The proposed increase in the capital gains inclusion rate has significant implications for taxpayers. Canadian homeowners, business owners, and investors will all be affected by the changes.

For homeowners, the new rules could impact the capital gains realized on the sale of their principal residence or vacation properties. For business owners, the proposed changes could affect the capital gains exemption available on the sale of their business assets.

Impact on Real Estate Market

The proposed increase in the capital gains inclusion rate has also raised concerns about its potential impact on the real estate market. Some analysts believe that the changes could lead to a decrease in the demand for recreational properties.

Additional Considerations

The proposed changes to the capital gains inclusion rate are part of a broader set of tax reforms announced in the 2024 federal budget. Other proposed changes include an increase in the lifetime capital gains exemption for business owners and the introduction of a new tax on luxury goods.
