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Pizzeria Capricciosa Temporary Closure And Upcoming Reopening

Pizzeria Capricciosa: Temporary Closure and Upcoming Reopening

Temporary Closure Notice

Dear Valued Customers,

We regret to inform you that Pizzeria Capricciosa will be temporarily closed from the current date until January 5th, 2024.

Reopening Announcement

Mark Your Calendar!

We are excited to announce that Pizzeria Capricciosa will be reopening its doors on January 5th, 2024, ready to serve you delicious Italian cuisine once again. We have taken this opportunity to make some exciting updates and improvements to our restaurant, and we can't wait to share them with you.

Stay Tuned for More Details

In the meantime, please stay connected with us on social media or visit our website for updates and announcements about our reopening plans. We will be sharing sneak peeks of our new menu, special offers, and more.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to welcoming you back to Pizzeria Capricciosa very soon!
